Attend the Grand Opening of JMG CRANES on May 25.

Here's where to meet JMG CRANES in May: on the 25th at the opening of the new production plant in Sarmato, and in Piacenza from the 29th to the 31st at the Gas expo Pipeline


The inauguration will be held SATURDAY, MAY 25, 2024, at 3:00 p.m.
at Via Zuccherificio, 2 29010 Sarmato (PC)

To participate write to
For more information +39 0523 8486 | 

The company is ready to welcome with great enthusiasm all customers and friends who would like to participate in this event so significant in so many ways: professional, social and human

An industrial complex of innovation for liftingo

The new production facility is a real Industrial complex dedicated to innovation in lifting, not surprisingly, the new location has already been christened the "Crane Citadel."
What JMG CRANES will be opening on May 25 is a space entirely dedicated to pick-and-carry innovation, where they are working to make these machines ever more high-performance, innovative and green. 
In fact, the commitment of JMG CRANES, which specializes in the production of electric cranes, has always been aimed at making work easier and safer, with innovative solutions that are also sustainable in terms of environmental impact.

An urban redevelopment industrial complex with a green heart

The company is also distinguished by theattention also paid to people and the territory che accoglie le sue attività. L’inaugurazione del nuovo stabilimento sarà un evento significativo anche per la città di Sarmato, visto che la nuova Cittadella delle Gru sorge su un’area industriale rimasta abbandonata per circa 20 anni.Il 25 maggio quindi si celebrerà anche la buona riuscita di un’imponente opera di riqualificazione urbana che segna, anche per la comunità, il ritorno alla vita e alla produttività di una zona del suo territorio altrimenti abbandonata al degrado.

The JMG CRANES Grand Opening on May 25.

L’evento di inaugurazione del 25 maggio prenderà il via alle 15.00 with registration of attendees.
The first part of the event will be dedicated to the more institutional ceremonies, the Blessing of the Company and the Ribbon Cutting.
After a brief Coffee Break, at 4:30 p.m. there will be the interventions involving various representatives of the community: the Authorities, the Management and the Workers.
Alle ore 18.00 si apre invece la fase conviviale dell’evento con aperitivo and cena.

JMG CRANES will also be at the Gas expo Pipeline

The opening of the venue is not the only event this month featuring JMG CRANES.
From May 29 to 31, the company will be at the Gas expo Pipeline in Piacenza, Italy., the only European exhibition-convention entirely dedicated to the mid-stream and distribution network sectors of "oil & gas," power generation and water.

At the Gas expo Pipeline, JMG CRANES brings its battery-powered electric cranes which, thanks to their efficiency, sustainability and ability to operate in confined spaces, are able to respond perfectly to the needs of the pipeline and gas sector. The pick&carry JMG CRANES provide an advanced technology solution for handling and lifting of materials and equipment used nello storage and transportation of hydrocarbons and gas, and work on water networks.
The power supply of these machines, their efficiency and versatility make the work environment healthier, reducing environmental impact and improving people's operations.

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JMG Cranes s.p.a.

JMG Cranes designs and manufactures battery-powered electric self-propelled cranes from 0.9 to 70 tons that find application in a wide range of industries.


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Via Dante, 15 26100 CREMONA (CR)

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Via Bergamo, 142 - 26100 CREMONA (CR)

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Via Zuccherificio, 2 29010 - SARMATO (PC)

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